Friday, June 18, 2010

My Adventure Begins

I had finally found what I would call a steady, full-time position in the line of work for which I was trained.

Since our move to the rural lifestyle, work was a long line of short-term, temporary, poorly paid, service jobs. Here was, finally, something that paid fairly well, had benefits, had some measure of security. Sure it was an hour's drive one way, but it was regular.

Eight months later, I find myself, once more, unemployed, or at least under-employed.

I did convince my company to keep me on very part-time; they really couldn't afford to let me go, but they were suffering from the downturn in the economy, and some very poor management decisions, and had to cut somewhere.

So, I have some part-time work and my unemployment cheque.

What now? I'm sick of being constantly uprooted, having to regroup. I had given up a developing business for the "security" of a "real" job. Work had been agonizingly slow and I had injured my shoulder, making a hard decision a little easier. So I went "back" to a traditional job in my field.

So much for plan 'A'.

One option, in my situation was to grab whatever work came my way. Problem with that, is there just ISN'T enough steady regular work that pays enough to live on. At least, not where I live.

Should I go back to school? Learn another trade? One that seems to be in high demand in our area? Ah, operative words, "seems to be". There are NO guarantees, and after being in school a couple or more years being saddled with an even greater debt? Still not able to find a job that pays well? No, too much risk.

I'd toyed with SEO ideas and pay per click and pay to post ideas. Read enough about them to be thoroughly convinced they were all scams. Or were they? There were people, even a close relative, claiming to make a living off it. What was I missing? If it is so easy, everyone would be doing it and there would be no work for anyone.

What I discovered is that most people only read so far, and then their eyes glaze over. Its a lot to absorb. Its hard to understand how all the pieces fit together. And they MUST fit together to make them work effectively. Its not a "get rich quick" idea. It is bona fide, hard slogging, time consuming, and often frustrating work. Most people give up after a few experiences getting paid .01 cents to read an email every few days, or posting opinions on some social chat forum. I did that. A year's posting yielded me less than 15 dollars, which I have yet to bother collecting.

Now, with the timing just right, I found a website that provides tutorials on all the different threads involved in web marketing. There are many different threads. Yes, you can choose to pull only one or two, but it works better if you get them all. Chances are, you will try pursuing those one or two threads, and give up shortly thereafter, because you can't see how this is going to work! (if you are interested in the same program, I can heartily recommend it)

This time, I thought, I'm going to follow it through. I'm going to read all the material and start implementing not just one or two ideas, but as many as I can actually do. As I started doing this, it started to become more clear to me both how and why this can work.

I am making this journal in the hopes that one day, my experience will benefit others. Many tutorials are written by experts, who tend to forget what it was like as a complete novice, to undertake a venture like this. They forget to explain what to them are such basic ideas and concepts simply because they have become second nature.

This should be interesting to read sometime later in this adventure. See the progression of the project, the outcome I of which, I hope, will enable me to generate a steady income.

Click on the link to find the program that I am using. It is very comprehensive.

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